The next VOICES presentation: Rev. Dr. Lisa Barnett, Assistant Professor of American Religious History at Phillips Theological Seminary, presents on this important topic. REGISTRATION IS Required; click here to register.
About the presentation: Before colonizers landed on this continent, native peoples had organized themselves into tribal nations and powerful confederacies, rich and vibrant in the diversity of cultural communities. Over the course of three centuries, Euro-American settlers spread across the North American continent, and in the process, drove out indigenous populations in order to establish exclusive and permanent homelands of their own. The creation of a settler colonial society in association with nation-building helped construct colonial spaces grounded ion white supremacy that transformed indigenous landscapes and societies. Aided by Christianity, religious discourse helped justify the settler colonial project. Sadly, Native peoples still feel the legacy of settler colonialism today. Though Native peoples have remained resistant, the systemic structures of oppression and racism remain, which is why now is the time for all those committed to issues of justice to work with Native peoples to restore right relations.